up:: docker-swarm jump:: down::
- 04:44 Example app - Dockerfile - Compose - Github Action
- 05:39 Get a VPS with “Hostinger” (or just selfhost)
- 09:15 Remote docker host
- 10:42 docker swarm is required on all nodes for stacks
- 10:35 init the swarm on the first machine
docker swarm init
- save the returned token or
docker swarm join-token worker
to get a new one
- save the returned token or
- 10:35 init the swarm on the first machine
- 11:14 deploy the first stack
docker stack deploy -c /path/to/compose.yaml <stack-name>
- 13:33 secrets
- 16:23 support rolling releases (blue/green)
- 16:43add this to compose
deploy -> update_config -> order -> start-first
- 16:43add this to compose
- 17:54 scaling applications
docker service scale myservice=3
- 20:00 rollbacks <3
docker service rollback <service-name>
- 20:23 actions
- build → test → push → deploy
- 22:32 create a “deploy” user to manage permissions
- see also create-a-user and ssh-passwordless