Launch an app

fly launch

Deploy an app

fly deploy
fly deploy --local-only # to only build on the local machine


Secrets are stored in an encrypted vault. When you set a secret through flyctl, it sends the secret value through our API, which writes to the vault for your specific Fly App. The API servers can only encrypt; they cannot decrypt secret values. Secret values are never logged.

When we launch a Machine for your app, we issue a temporary auth token to the host it runs on. The agent on the host uses this token to decrypt your app secrets and inject them into your Machine as environment variables at boot time. When you destroy your Machines, the host environment no longer has access to your app secrets. — Secrets and Fly Apps · Fly Docs

Set a secret

fly secrets set DATABASE_URL=...

List a secret

fly secrets list

Remove secrets

fly secrets unset MY_SECRET DATABASE_URL


  • Run fly launch --no-deploy from within the project source directory to create a new app and a fly.toml configuration file.
  • Type y to when prompted to tweak settings and enter a name for the app. Adjust other settings, such as region, as needed. Then click Confirm Settings.
  • Still in the project source directory, get a Fly API deploy token by running fly tokens create deploy -x 999999h. Copy the output, including the FlyV1 and space at the beginning.
  • Go to your newly-created repository on GitHub and select Settings.
  • Under Secrets and variables, select Actions, and then create a new repository secret called FLY_API_TOKEN with the value of the token from step 5.
  • Back in your project source directory, create .github/workflows/fly.yml with these contents: — Continuous Deployment with and GitHub Actions · Fly Docs