What I know about hyprland so far.

  • it’s the wayland i3/bspwm (newer than sway)
  • forgoes all x11 conventions for it’s own new standard
    • this means it requuires it’s own special ecosystem.
  • primarily meant for Arch but seems to work well on Fedora/Debian as well (it’s just a WM)
  • configuration is declarative, this is nice. Planning to couple with nixos in the future


Add Copr Repo for faster updates

sudo dnf copr enable solopasha/hyprland

Install hyprland

sudo dnf install hyprland
sudo dnf install hyprland-devel # If you want to build plugins (use hyprpm)

Make sure you have Nvidia set up or follow the guide in References

Launch hyprland through sddm

Configure in ~/.config/hypr

Install SwayNC

dnf copr enable erikreider/SwayNotificationCenter
dnf install SwayNotificationCenter

Install ecosystem

sudo dnf install hyprpaper hypridle hyprlock hyprpolkitagent
sudo dnf install xdg-desktop-port xdg-desktop-portal--hyprland
sudo dnf install waybar network-manager-applet
sudo dnf install cliphist wl-clipboard
