up:: mount-nfs-drive
Proxmox Setup
- Access your nodes shell
- Proxmox > Your Node > Shell
- Create a mounting point for the volume
mkdir /mnt/computer2/downloads
- Edit fstab so that the volume mounts automatically on reboot
- Mount shares
mount -a
- Add the pointing point to your LXC
- Open:
nano /etc/pve/lxc/101.conf
- Add a mountpoint
mp0: /mnt/computer2/downloads/,mp=/downloads
- Open:
LXC Setup
- Update the LXC user’s permissions
groupadd -g 10000 lxc_shares
usermod -aG lxc_shares root
I think you can use whatever group name you want as long as you use again in the next step.
- Restart the LXC
- Verify access to the mountpoint at