up:: zettelkasten, smart-notes down:: dataview


Your second brain, for you, forever Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.

Sharpen your thinking. Obsidian is the private and flexible writing app that adapts to the way you think.


Obsidian is a markdown-based personal knowledge management system that is geared towards creating a second-brain where your notes are linked with backlinks.

It’s free for personal use and there are business use pricing based on a yearly amount per user.

It can be downloaded for desktop at https://obsidian.md or installed from the AUR with yay obsidian

It supports Windows, macOS, and Linux with a mobile app coming soon and mobile.


Tags are keyword that you use in or assign to files. They allow you to organize your notes in a way that doesn’t restrict flow and creativity.

Tags are a direct opposition to the typical folder structure where you can only place a file in one folder. Tags allows you to place files under multiple categories.

Advanced Techniques

  • Embed files - Obsidian Help
  • Image Adjustments - SlRvb’s Documentation - Obsidian Publish
    • Add |512 to the end of an ambedded image to change the size
  • Link to a block in another note with [[note-name^block-id]]
  • Fold sections with Ctrl + ⬆ and Ctrl + ⬇
  • Enabled multiple cursors by holing alt
  • Indent with tab and outdent with shift tab
  • Create a code block with triple `
  • Swap lines with alt + ⬇ and alt + ⬆
  • Templates within the 99-template folder or use templater
  • Group tags with /
    • #status/todo, #status/backlog
    • #tech/language, #theme/software-development, #tech/concept
  • It’s markdown so HTML is supported
    • create elements like
    • embed things like tweets
    • or YouTube video:
