I bought a split-keyboard.
For now, here’s how it’s going.
I bought the thing for a couple of reasons:
- I wanted to try something new
- Impulse
- My current keyboard/setup is starting to cause a bit of pain.
- Impatience
Luckily, it’s called a Cheapino and the guy I bought it from 3d printed it and made it himself. I’d love to do more of this in the future, but this was cheap middleground and entry into split keyboards.
Day 1:
My base speed is about [wpm:: 70] and [wpm-accuracy:: 90] on the Ducky
On the Cheapino, I’m at around [wpm:: 4] (?) with the base config.
With a little tweaking and a bit of practice, I as able to up to [wpm:: 17] which is nice.
a few embarrasments later…
The next day… I made it to up to about [wpm:: 24] and [wpm-accuracy:: 82]
I’m mostly struggling with the symbols as they’re all in new spots. I could pick up a new layout but so far I like the numpad feel on my right hand instead of replicating number rows. BTW, I’m typing this on the cheapino. I’ve gotten comfortable enough to do so for basic writing.
Still learning the thumb clusters and the homerow mods but I’m finding this easier than the other 60% keyboard.
wait wait wait … look at this [wpm:: 40] and [wpm-accuracy:: 91]
coding is still out of the question…
hellooo day 6? dec 6th anyway. a smooth [wpm:: 46] and [wpm-accuracy:: 92]
with a little warm up we get to [wpm:: 54] and [wpm-accuracy:: 92]
Sidenote I've hit new personal bests on qwerty
[wpm:: 82] and [wpm-accuracy:: 96]
getting better and more consistent…. i find a little tenting very beneficial
[wpm:: 58] and [wpm-accuracy:: 96]
it’s been about two weeks now, it’s the 16th. a smooth [wpm:: 62] and [wpm-accuracy:: 95]
It’s been about a month now. January is here. I’m using the keyboard daily at this point and it honestly makes me want to now use any other computer. Not sure if this is good or bad at this point.
Anyways I’m still rocking a solid [wpm:: 60] and [wpm-accuracy:: 95] so that’s nice.